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North American Arms Mini-Revolver

If you are looking for a concealed carry revolver that is easily concealable, then I would recommend the North American Arms Mini-Revolver with a holster grip. This revolver folds up and will clip into the owner’s pocket, looking similar to a pocketknife or cell phone. It can also be unfolded, providing a great grip for the shooter. Many people are turned off by the fact that these revolvers are .22 calibers, but you must remember that these guns are concealed carry firearms, meant to get someone off of you within a small radius. Stop by your local gun shop and check this practical revolver out, you might just find your next concealed carry handgun!

All Models:
Caliber: .22 LR
Sights: Iron
Length: 4 1/2″
Height: 2 3/8″
Width: 13/16″
Weight: 4.6oz
Barrel Length: 1 & 5/8″ Barrel
Grip Frame: Holster Grips
Retail Price: $239

Categories: Pistol