Epic Tactical & Survival is honored to be celebrating its 16th year in business. Under the auspice of Pipe Hitter Media, we are one of the longest and most respected blogs in the industry. With a focus on firearms, tactical, survival and prepping, we started in 2009 with a goal to provide a website that has meaningful, yet simple, reviews and news in a clean and organized manner.
Over the years we have made many friends including the owners and writers of other blogs, and we are happy to be contributing and supporting the same cause as they are. The writers behind Epic Tactical & Survival come from the Special Operations, Survival/Prepping, First Responder and Law Enforcement communities and we are committed to providing honest and insightful content.
Allan R. Smith – Editor in Chief
Allan is a United States Marine Corps Veteran, an award winning filmmaker, writer, Medal of Valor recipient, Firefighter/Paramedic and owner of Pipe Hitter Media. He is an International Explorer that holds membership in the famed Explorers Club and served as the past Chapter Chairman for the Southern California Chapter. Is the Past-President of the Los Angeles Adventurers Club and has been to over 80 Countries.
A founding board member for the “Brothers In Arms Foundation” and member of “Team-5” a Special Operations Medical Foundation, Allan has a wealth of knowledge in the firearms, survival, tactical community. A long standing belief that quality means more than quantity. He is the Co-Author of the book “The Untold Stories of Valhalla” about Marine Corps Special Operations in the Middle East, as well as the producer of the award winning “Marine Raider Memorial March” documentaries.
Aaron Casey – Senior Editor
Aaron was born and raised in North Carolina. He has grown up around firearms and started out shooting BB guns at the age of around 3-4. Aaron serves the citizens of his county as a paramedic and has also worked at his local gun shop, part-time,
Since 2013 and enjoys being in the firearm industry. Aaron has been with Epic Tactical since May 2016 and has been doing firearm reviews on YouTube for about the same amount of time. His enthusiasm is geared towards the medical side, yet is always there to help out new shooters find that perfect gun and work on their technique. His wife usually accompanies him to the gun range and she is always there to help female shooters with their techniques and to answer questions.
Christopher Nyerges – Contributing Editor
Is a survival educator and author who has appeared on National TV from Discovery Channel “Naked and Afraid” to “Doomsday Peppers” and many more. He is the author of several books, most recently “How to Survive Anywhere 2nd Edition”. He owns and runs the School for Self-Reliance located in Southern California.