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Top Three Pistols For The Money

I work for my family’s business. My grandfather opened a gun shop as a hobby back in 1989 and I’ve worked here since middle school. I sold guns after school for several years and I loved it. I sell a lot of guns, but I usually have certain ones I recommend to customers simply because they’re great firearms. Check out the rest of the article below.

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[expand title=”Check out the best pistols for the money!”]

If you’re interested in buying a pistol for personal protection or just recreational use, I’d recommend these three:

  • Springfield XDM: $600-$700 range
  • Glock Gen IV: $500-$600 range
  • Smith and Wesson M&P: $500-$600 range

All three of those pistols are fairly affordable and are great guns. If you’re one of those “it has to be made in America” people, then the Smith would be your best bet. It’s made in Massachusetts, whereas Glock is made in Austria and the XDM’s are made in Croatia.

Glock pistols are tried and true. They’re used by thousands of law enforcement agencies and account for a large percentage of the pistols sold. It’s hard to say anything bad about a Glock, most people either love them or hate them. The new Gen IV model provides several new features as well as three magazines all together.

Springfield XDM pistols are great. This pistol was the recipient of the Gun of the Year award when it came out onto the market. It comes standard with a match grade trigger and barrel, that means those components of the pistol are tuned up to be more accurate. You also get “XD Gear” which is a holster, magazine holster, and a loading device. They’re the only company that gives you that package.

The Smith and Wesson M&P is also a fine pistol. It’s the only one out of the three that you can get an actual external safety. S&W is a company that’s been around for years, even if you know nothing about guns, you’ve heard of S&W. They’re also tried and true. They have features similar to that of the Glock and XDM.

All three of these pistols are fairly similar when it comes to their size, features, and performance.They all hover around $600 and provide an excellent weapon for the buyer. I always tell people who are looking at these three pistols, you really can’t go wrong with any of them. Flip a coin and you’ll be satisfied.

There are a lot of really nice pistols on the market, but these three are the best for the money, in my opinion of course.

The most important thing is this:

Go with the pistol that feels the best to you. Whichever one is comfortable in your hand. Don’t go with what someone else tells you. If it doesn’t feel good in your hand, then you won’t enjoy shooting it and you simply won’t like the gun.

Check these three guns out if you’re interested in buying a new one! If you need a pistol range bag for your guys check out the new Lynx Defense Pistol Range bag.

Image credit: Ammo Land


Categories: Featured,Pistol
