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AGI Announces AR-15/M4 Riflesmith Course

The American Gunsmithing Institute has announced that it will now offer a DVD-based AR-15/M4 gunsmithing course.The American Gunsmithing Institute offers complete professional gunsmithing certification courses as well as DVD gunsmithing courses.

While I have not taken one of their classes before I’m interested to hear from someone who has. If you have taken a course with AGI, please comment below and let us know the pros and cons.

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Napa, Calif. (August 2014) – American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI), producers of the most authoritative instructional gunsmithing DVD courses, proudly introduce the only DVD-based Certified AR-15 / M4 Riflesmith Course. AGI’s new certification course provides the student with a clear understanding of how to maintain and customize these rifles from start to finish. When a student successfully completes AGI’s Certified AR-15/M-4 Riflesmith course, he or she will be able to build the baddest AR rifles, tailored to fit and function the way one, or one’s customers, want them to for hunting, competition, or tactical use. AR-15 / M4 owners will seek out Certified AR-15 / M4 Riflesmiths to build 3-Gun Match competition rifles and the local SWAT Team will be asking for a tune up on their guns.

AGI’s new Certified AR-15 / M4 Riflesmith Course includes the AR-15 Complete Disassembly and Reassembly DVD, the Armorer’s Course DVD, the complete “TactiCool to PractiCool” course, which teaches all aspects of building tactical rifles, including how to select among the hundreds of AR part options, as well as the Ultimate Guide to Building AR-15s from a Parts Kit DVD and How to do a Trigger Job Step-by-Step on the AR-15 DVD.


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