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BIDEN WINS! I’m sorry, WHAT?

With a very historic election that occurred with a lot of ups and downs trough-out election night, on 11/7/2020 the AP and other news outlets have called the election in favor of Joe Biden. I think no one saw this coming. In all honesty, I am still in shock. So what do we do now?

Well, with all the fraudulent acts coming forth with voter fraud in Pennsylvania (with affidavits on file), Michigan (MI GOP stating ballots were counted for Democrats but meant for Republican using counting software, causing a 6,000 vote swing against candidates. 47 Counties used this same software. Also mysterious ballots being published in the early morning hours in Michigan and Wisconsin when they told the counters to go home. As well as deceased voters.), Georgia (Glitches in counting software that is same software used in Michigan), and other states – lawsuits are now about to go down.

Starting Monday, 11/9/2020, President Trump’s lawyers will be meeting in Pennsylvania courts to contest the voter counting suppression, counting of ballots after possibly post marked time, suspicious “glitches” in the counting machines and other things. It’s all too much “coincidence” for the majority of the United States.

A little fun fact for ya, in April 2019, Dominion Voting Systems – which commands more than a third of the voting machine market without having Washington lobbyists – hired its first lobbyist then, a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to Bloomberg Government. So many convenient coincidences. I think it’s crazy that those who spent the last 4 years convinced there was election interference in the 2016 election, are saying there’s no way the 2020 election could be rigged.

So I’ve been following social media journalists for the past few months, they seem to really do a fantastic job at showcasing what’s truly going on in the United States that MSM doesn’t want to show. One person that I really feel like tells the truth on IG is fogcitymidge, Maggie VandenBerghe.

Maggie put this whole election into a big perspective on 11/4/2020: “For months I have been warning you all of the dangers of mail-in ballots and the fraud that will come with that. There has been a collectivized, perfectly executed attempt to commit fraud of the American people. A bad flu year being hyped up to steal our freedom and liberties. Rolling out crooked California’s mass mail-in ballot scheme across the country (which was used to flip five RED OC seats Blue in 2018 midterms).

Getting every social media company to play into the plan:
1. Registering millions of new voters (more ballots out there)
2. Telling people ‘we won’t know the results of the election night’
3. Telling us ‘don’t let Trump pre-mature claim victory’
4. Controlling the narrative with censorship and suppression.
5. Removing thousands of smaller IG accounts (many of whom were smaller local journalists who might have been able to uncover local fraud and inform larger accounts and ultimately the media).

The Dems also set up the media in this exact same way to mentally ‘prepare you’ for a ‘Biden Victory’. Think about it. Fox breaking with Trump [on election night]. Claiming there is ‘no potential for widespread voter fraud’. Terrifying people of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate for most people. Pushing confidence in main-in voting. Refusing to show Biden’s failing mental health (because no one would believe their fraud).

Two years ago, I predicted Kamala would be the Democrat Candidate. She had all the makings of the top pick of the Democrats. She’s a far left radical – who isn’t as scary as Bernie for most people because until recently unless you live in California, most people didn’t know her. She’s a woman and minority and younger (not an ‘old white guy’ which the Dems openly hate). One thing I didn’t anticipate was her early drop out because the American people hated her and found her insanely annoying. But it was all part of the plan…not [that] they have a clearly failing old man as President and they found a way to still get Kamala in there. Even Nancy Pelosi is setting up the stage for the ‘25th Amendment’ was all projection for their own plan. It wasn’t about Trump.

Also, everyone was saying how weak & pathetic Biden’s campaign was. And they are. One thing I noticed the last couple of weeks is they have seemingly ‘given up’ campaigning. But then I realized – they didn’t GIVE UP campaigning. They cooked the books. They knew they didn’t HAVE to campaign. The only reason for Biden to ever leave his basement was just for media optics to cover for their planned fraud.

There was MASSIVE turnout for Trump. The enthusiasm was unprecedented. And we have seen record minorities walking away from the democratic party – which is AMAZING! We all know there was virtually no enthusiasm for Biden. Even heavy Democrat towns had low turnout to vote for corrupt Joe Biden. Or the trend was clearly towards people who usually vote Democrat, vote[d] Trump. Kenosha, Miami, etc.

Let me be clear. I still think Trump won. But I knew the evil democrats would cheat big time. And I do think they have set up to steal the election. The Dems have colluded with: Big Tech, MSM, One sided medical professionals and ‘scientists’.

Election fraud is taking place right before your eyes. Democrat election officials in Atlanta, Philly, Milwaukee, and Detroit stopped counting votes [on election night]. They have held back massive amounts of ‘mail-in’ ballots until they knew how many votes they need to ensure a Biden victory. They will just keep counting ‘mail-in’ ballots until Biden wins.

Democrats set the stage perfectly. Talked up ‘mail-in’ voting forever, dismissed the potential for fraud, and claimed President Trump would not accept the results. The plan is playing out just as they war gamed it. Democrats will use the ‘polls’ that forecasted a Biden blowout to prove positive that Biden should win those states. Seaming advantage: Biden. There was the best analytics guy [Rich Baris Twitter – @Peoples_Pundit and @BigDataPoll] in the business on War Room with Steve Bannon [on election night] and he clearly was calling states accurately ahead of the MSM. Not hedging. Just based on the numbers. The analyst stated that Trump would win the states in play. That was before we all paused for Democrats to pull out their stockpile of mail-in ballots.

It will end up in the courts. Trump will fight by overthrowing the fraudulent election process in the five Dem states. Fight will go to the Supreme Court. This is why ACB was critical. We need her.

Sadly it should have been a historic landslide win. Now, even if he wins, in a long drawn out court battle…we will never hear the end of it from the Left. They will call him ‘illegitimate’ and that ‘he stole the election’ for the next four years.

Knowing what I’ve seen of Democrat fraud and mail-in ballots I speculate their scheme might work. Hopefully we hold power in the Senate (it looks likely). But even still, in two years Dems know how to use these new mail-in ballot laws to cheat.”

Well in 2000, it took Al Gore 37 days to concede to George Bush, so until the courts decide and the recounts to finish in Georgia and Michigan, and any other close races, the election isn’t truly over. With all of this going on, WE, as Americans really need to re-evaluate how social media and MSM are giving us information. It has clearly been shown that Twitter does not want the American people to see all sides of views. Jack Dorsey censored President Trump on election night. The MSM (CNBC) cut away from the President speaking to the American people because they felt that what he was saying was “untrue” on Thursday, 11/5/2020. Again, telling the people what “they” want us to hear.

The suppression has to stop and it has to stop with us. Although the courts can’t go after the MSM because they are covered under the First Amendment, but we can definitely stop supporting them by stop watching their shows and turning off the television, computers, phones, and go back to talking to each other. It’s quite sad that we can’t trust the media and newspaper media. Back in 2000, during the election recount, journalists wanted to cover it and make sure that it was transparent, but now that is not the case.

The suppression on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube has silenced a lot of smaller journalists and went as far as to silence and suppressed people from using hashtags during the election, and deleted/suspended accounts because it goes against what the MSM is wanting us to hear. Social Media moguls have restricted influencers from going live on IG and even on YouTube. IG and Facebook has censored Maggie VandenBerghe, War Room Pandemic with Steven Bannon, Candace Owens, and many others.

One thing to take out of this election, it didn’t come easy and to be honest, it got old quick. From the phone calls, texts, mail, the media, and other stuff on social media platforms, it really put into prospective just how much Big Tech controls a lot of the information we see on a daily. It is up to us to stay informed in your own way and not rely on the Mainstream Media for news anymore. I even noticed that some emails I have received from one outlet called Task & Purpose Today, which is suppose to be geared towards Military Personnel, is very Liberal and is not neutral on anything they report. And this outlet is suppose to be reporting issues to our Armed Forces? “Come on, man.” In all seriousness, you just can’t trust the mainstream media anymore.

What’s next for our Nation?

Like him or not, Joe Biden is the President-Elect (at the time of this published article) until all the court proceedings are over and the final winner is announced and it’s truly official. Let’s be real, if Biden continues in January, it will be a matter of time until the House enacts the 25th Amendment and Kamala Harris will then become the President. If that happens, this is going to be really bad for our country. This is going to be whirl-wind of a ride. I predict our liberties will be again tested even harder and it’s up to us to keep them.

First and foremost, the fight isn’t over, especially for our 2nd Amendment Rights. One thing that this administration has already said they were going to do is abolish the modern day sport rifles and bring back the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban to get rid of firearms as well as getting rid of “high capacity magazines”.

I know what you are thinking, they can’t just take away our guns. Technically no, but yes. Biden/Harris have said that they are planning on letting you keep your rifles and your magazines, but you’ll have to pay the $200 tax stamp just like a Class 3 weapon for each rifle and each magazine. If you don’t have the money to pay the taxes for all this, well they’ll offer a buy back program. But wait there’s more, just like in Virginia and other states, Biden/Harris is limiting you to how many weapons you can purchase in a months time, to just one. Also on the chopping block is no sales of firearms and ammunition online. But we all know that firearms have to go to an FFL, but of course they don’t know how things work and it’s their plan.

If you haven’t heard of Red Flag Laws yet, well buckle up buttercup. I have a feeling that they are going to be implemented more and more, especially in the “Blue” States and cities across the country. The Red Flag Law is a “gun control law that permits police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves.” So in a nut shell, if someone doesn’t like you, they can go before a magistrate and plead to them that they feel threatened by you and feel like you are going to do harm to others or yourself, and then that’s grounds to have your guns and rights stripped away.

As of right now, the following states implement the Red Flag Law or variant: California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington. There are other states that have proposed the same legislation more than once to include: Arizona, Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

Furthermore, if you remember correctly during the Obama/Biden Administration, in 2015 the administration sought to push background checks to include Social Security checks, which barred a lot of our US Military Vets not eligible to own any weapons. President Trump revoked this Obama-Era Gun Check and blatant attack on the 2nd Amendment. And honestly, Biden/Harris Administration is planning on enacting this bill again.

But if the goal is to defund the police, then who is going to be serving these warrants?

Well folks, it appears that Biden/Harris are going to be using the ATF to be carrying out a lot of these actions. The ATF has already been working diligently to go against the constitution and is now looking at different pistols on the market and deeming them subject to taxation through the $200 Tax Stamp.

So what do we do? It is up to us to stop the heinous crimes being committed against the 2nd Amendment by contacting your Congressman, Senator, and even contacting your local Sheriff to see their viewpoint on the 2nd Amendment and confiscation. For all the people that have bought firearms in fear of the election results, you can either keep them or sell them for almost double what you paid. I fear that the worse has yet to come. I suggest that you keep them and hold on to them, because they will become scarce if this administration has its way.

Regardless if your candidate won or loss, it’s up to us to keep civil. I know I have lost a lot of friends over this election because people let their emotions out-weigh the logic and facts. It is good to be open-minded about a lot of issues and learn from each other. At the end of the day, it’s our neighbors and friends that will still be in the towns we live in and the candidates are long gone. We still need to grow together as a nation and continue to thrive, yet fight against tyranny and suppression!

At the end of the day the good book says, “’Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” – Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV) So, love each other and be there for each other, for that is all that we have. Family is blood. But often times, friends are thicker than blood. Just remember to treat everyone with respect and things should go well for everyone. Let’s just hope and pray things go smoothly.

As always, ya’ll be good and be safe!

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