© 2024 EpicTactical. All Rights Reserved.

Epic Tactical Revamp!

First and foremost, WELCOME and THANK YOU! We at Epic Tactical decided it was time for a revamp of our site by adding a new logo and condensing some of the drop down menus and we are adding some new additions in the future. We have talked to viewers, vendors, and other people in the gun community about the content we should have and give to you, the viewers.

We started this venture in 2009 to provide gun enthusiasts with a website that has meaningful, yet simple, reviews in a clean and organized manner.We knew there were plenty of firearm review websites out there, but we felt that none of them had a simple design that was easy to use and navigate. So, EpicTactical was born and we have been dedicating our time and effort to bring you, the viewers, a site that is easy to use and have useful information in mind for the firearm enthusiast or someone who is just looking for more information.

Now that we have been in the gun blog community for over 6 years, our original mission and reason for starting this blog are still valid, as there are many great designs that are accompanied by great content. We have made many friends, including the owners and writers of other internet blogs and we are just happy to be contributing and supporting the same cause they are!

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We have reached out to companies out in the gun community to review their products and provide a simple and honest review for these products that can be obtained by the simple lay-enthusiast, all the way up to a professional and/or operator.

We feel like we are still providing great content and we strive to be the best! When we first started out, we were averaging around 2-3,000 views per month. Fast-forward to today, we are currently averaging 8-10,000 viewers a month! THANK YOU for making us a part of your daily and weekly internet routine. As well as this website, we are on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. If you are not following us on there, what are you waiting for!? The content on those sites provides you an insight as to what is coming down the line for future reviews.

We were pleased to bring aboard Aaron, aka StreetMedic12, in May 2016 to help with reviews and to add a new spin to the website. He is providing excellent content and adding more and more weekly. We are striving to provide new content once or twice a week, as well as staying up-to-date and bringing you stories that are related to current gun events that are happening in the US and around the world.

Some upcoming adventures that we’re bringing in the future are: SHOT SHOW 2017, other vendor/trade shows with new and upcoming products that will be hitting the market in the future, giveaways and much, much, more. We have many patrons that are supporting us and watching us succeed. We’d like to thank Lynx Defense for all their support from the beginning and we’d like to thank Clayton Guns for providing most of the firearms that we are reviewing. Our site hosting is provided by Lynx Creative Group.

Again, we’d like to thank YOU, the viewers. Without your continued support, we wouldn’t be here to bring you such great content and hopefully, helpful reviews.

We hope you enjoy the updated website and the Brand New Logo that was chosen by you, the viewers!


Epic Tactical Staff

Categories: News