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Hacking EOTech Optic to Change Reticles

YouTube user Thomas Söderlund has apparently “hacked” an EOTech 512 to change his reticle style. This is something that does not come native on EOTech optics and is probably one of the few complaints they get.

Apparently Thomas used an ArduinoMonkey Pro Mini ATmega328 5V 16MHz for Arduino IDE with Pins and I2C OLED display to hack the EOTech to change the reticle.

Thomas does state openly in the video that this is nothing more than a concept and states that it is not meant to be used.

“This is nothing more than a proof of concept. A small, fun hack. It is not meant to be actually used in any way.”

So while this is awesome it has not been tested and in no way is guaranteed to work. If Thomas did put it to test, we would gladly help, I can see him making quite a bit of money modding EOTech optics for people.

What are your thoughts on modding a $500 optic?

[expand title=”Check out the video”]


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Categories: Gear
