With all of this talk about bans every other day from the media, we here at EpicTactical want to outline a few pistols that have the highest magazine capacity in their class. In case our readers are interested in purchasing a new handgun that will hold the optimal amount of rounds.
- The Springfield XDM .9mm has a 19 round magazine and the .40 comes standard with a 16 round magazine.
- The Ruger SR9 has a magazine capacity that is 17 rounds.
- The FN FNP-45 comes with a 15 round magazine. (a .45 ACP packing 15 rounds!)
- The Para Ordnance Super Hawg is a 1911 platform with a 10 round magazine.
These are just a few handguns that come standard with high capacity magazines and have the highest capacity compared to other pistols in their class. They’re all great handguns with prices ranging from $500-$1000. If a ban similar to the one during the 90s happens anytime soon, then magazines will be restricted to 10 rounds only.
The demand for high capacity firearms is unprecedented right now, so find a high cap handgun that best fits your needs and get your hands on it while you still can!