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Rand Gun Cleaner, Lubricant, and Protectant Review

Rand CLP Products
Rand CLP Products

I had the pleasure of testing the Rand Gun Cleaner, Lubricant, & Protectant (CLP) and I have to say I was someone skeptical about how this cleaner was going to preform. But at the same time I was excited to test it out because it doesn’t seem like there has been much change in the firearm cleaner/lubricant category in the past several years.

First impressions

The first impression I have about the bottle itself was that it has a decent design, which can be hard to come by at times, and was packaged much better than I expected. The bottle itself has very little writing on it but the writing that it does have conveys what Rand CLP is, does ,and how to make it work.

On the back it reads that Rand CLP:

  • Cleans
  • Lubricates
  • Protects
  • Eases carbon removal
  • Non-Toxic
  • Prevents Oxidation
  • “Green”

For those of  you that are “tree hugging gun nuts” (Are those people real?) you’ll be happy to know that this is in fact a “green” product and has a vegetable oil base and does not contain any solid lubricants.

There are also “best results” instructions and those go about like any of the other CLP’s on the market.


First I’ll dive into how this product cleans your firearm. I’ll say a few words but I’ll let pictures do the talking. I cleaned these two firearms the same way I’ve cleaned them 100’s of times before and I must say that I was wildly impressed with how Rand CLP performed. This gun has been shot roughly 500-600 rounds of Bear and Wolf about 2-3 weeks ago so this stuff has had some time to really setup on the bolt and bolt carrier group. Check out the results:

The first picture is directly after I took the bolt out of my Ruger 556. The middle picture is the result of me just trying to wipe it down with a dry paper towel. The last picture is the final result of the bolt after I cleaned it with Rand CLP. The action was very smooth after reinstalling the bolt and not to mention it looked brand new.


Now the viscosity of Rand CLP is interesting. It’s thinker than any other lubricant I’ve seen but I don’t think that this is all bad. Considering this stuff made my guns slicker than a whales belly I think the viscosity is fine. I have read, not experienced yet, that it can lead to sand or other debris possibly getting gummed up and stuck where Rand CLP is applied. However I don’t think that would be any different with other brands such as Hoppes 9, or Rem Oil, etc.


This might be the only part of the review where I really drop the ball. I haven’t had the CLP long enough to comment on it’s protecting abilities however I feel I can make a decent judgement on the Rand CLP based on the other two performances alone.


My finial thoughts on the Rand CLP is that I will be switching. I’ve always been a Hoppes 9 user and still think they make great stuff but I really want to give Rand CLP a run for their money. I think they have a great product so far and think with some customer feedback it can only get better from here.

Where to buy Rand CLP

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Rand CLP Giveaway

So you want some free Rand CLP? Good we are giving our 4 oz Bottle as well as the Rip & Drip packets. Be sure to enter the giveaway by going to our facebook page.



I had the pleasure of testing the Rand Gun Cleaner, Lubricant, & Protectant (CLP) and I have to say I was someone skeptical about…
  • Cleaning
  • Lubricant
  • Protectant
  • Price

Categories: Gear,Reviews

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