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S&W to launch mystery product April 12th

The mystery product turned out to be the S&W M&P Shield.


What is Smith & Wwsson planning? I’ve watched the video a couple of times and I can take away a few things from this:

  1. Shield Yourself – It’s going to be some sort of protection gun, maybe one you could possibly carry or use in a life/death scenario.
  2. Size – I’m thinking it’s going to be a smaller more concealed carry style gun (similar but different than the bodyguard)
  3. Caliber – It’s probably safe to say it won’t be a .380 but it’s anyone’s guess if it’ll be 9mm-.45
  4. M&P – The Military & Police logo appears at the bottom, at the end of the video so it’s safe to say it will be part of the M&P line (which is a great line)

That being said my final bet will be that it’s a sub-compact version for the M&P line.

What are your thoughts and predictions? Feel free to share in the comments below!

Categories: Featured,Shooting
