My long time Concealed Carry friends will say they own lots of holsters because they cannot find one that quite satisfies their needs. Consider the following (5) features if your in the market for a holster.
- Keep in mind that Comfort is essential for all day use during all seasons while sitting, standing or moving. You will not wear a holster at all times unless it is comfortable throughout the year and completely manageable.
- Concealment is most difficult to achieve while wearing summer clothing. Keep this in mind while shopping during cooler seasons. Some holsters are not at all practical in warmer climates.
- Access is extremely important. Your weapon must be readily available at all times whether sitting, standing or moving.
- Dress Requirement considerations should include your current wardrobe to avoid additional costs. Some “inside the waistband” designs require wearing larger trousers for comfort and avoiding weapon visibility. Special vests and cargo style trousers are a dead giveaway that you are carrying a concealed weapon.
- Universal Size gun holsters can be a great choice however your weapon must fit properly to avoid dumping it. They can also be purchased within minimal delivery time and be used for more than one model. This feature can help save cost and avoid the need for another holster.