With the big news from the drop tests that hit yesterday, (8/7/2017) with the Sig Sauer P320, Sig has issued a statement today (8/8/2017) offering a voluntary upgrade of the P320 pistol.
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Here is what Sig Sauer has to say:
Newington, NH (August 8, 2017) – The P320 meets U.S. standards for safety, including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Sporting Arms Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc. (SAAMI®), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), as well as rigorous testing protocols for global military and law enforcement agencies.
The design of the SIG SAUER P320 overcomes the most significant safety concern in striker-fired pistols today: the practice of pressing the trigger for disassembly. This can be performed with a round in the chamber which has resulted in numerous incidents of property damage, physical injury, and death. The disassembly process of the P320, however, uses a take-down lever rather than pressing the trigger, eliminating the possibility of discharge during the disassembly process.
Recent events indicate that dropping the P320 beyond U.S. standards for safety may cause an unintentional discharge.
As a result of input from law enforcement, government and military customers, SIG has developed a number of enhancements in function, reliability, and overall safety including drop performance. SIG SAUER is offering these enhancements to its customers. Details of this program will be available at sigsauer.com on Monday, August 14, 2017.
The M17 variant of the P320, selected by the U.S. government as the U.S. Army’s Modular Handgun System (MHS), is not affected by the Voluntary Upgrade.
“SIG SAUER is committed to our approach on innovation, optimization, and performance, ensuring we produce the finest possible products,” said Ron Cohen, President and CEO of SIG SAUER. “Durability, reliability and safety, as well as end-user confidence in the SIG SAUER brand are the priorities for our team.”
For more information on SIG SAUER, please visit us at sigsauer.com
Again, Sig Sauer stated, “P320 pistol meets requirements for industry and government safety standards; performance enhancements optimize function, safety, and reliability.”
I myself own a P320, and it makes me wonder what the new “upgrade” is going to be. Will it be the trigger? Change the “take-down lever”? Even TFB posted today that an officer in Stamford, Connecticut is suing Sig Sauer due to the P320 discharging when the pistol fell out of his vehicle while in a holster. So, what are they planning on doing? I wonder if they’ll just install an APEX Tactical Trigger and just call it a day. I myself will continue to carry this pistol. It’s honestly the best shooting pistol I’ve ever shot.
I guess we’re going to have to wait until the 14th to see what Sig Sauer is going to offer. If you need more information on pistol range bags checkout the website.
As always, ya’ll be good and be safe!